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How Cheap Is Cleaning in Brixton?

We provide cleaning services that are second to none in Brixton, SW9 and you can count on us to make your house looking good again. Trust us and give us a call on Call Now! today.


Price List

Carpet Cleaning from £ 55
Upholstery Cleaning from £ 55
End of Tenancy Cleaning from £ 95
Domestic Cleaning from £ 13.50
Regular Cleaning from £ 13.50
Office Cleaning from £ 13.50

 *Price excluding VAT
*Minimum charge apply


Why You Should Hire Us to Take Care of You Brixton Cleaning

  •  Time-saving services
  •  Modern cleaning equipment
  • The lowest cleaning prices


First Time Offered Cleaning Services in Brixton, SW9

With one easy call on Call Now! you can get best deals for cleaning in Brixton, SW9. Our company can take care of any cleaning issue that you have. We are available 7 days a week, so hurry up and get a free consultation with an expert.

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